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  • V-FORCE 30

    Simco-Ion’s V-Force 30 narrow web vacuum system is a unique high performing industrial vacuum cleaning system for narrow web machines. The V-Force 30 combines the power of static neutralization with high vacuum, high volume and high velocity allowing for ultimate cleaning. 

    It can be easily installed onto any area of open web on most major narrow web presses and other narrow web machinery making it ideal for any application.

    The V-Force 30's low-profile hood integrates four barrier brushes to manage air velocity and air flow. It also incorporates shockless static bars, two upper and two lower, to quickly neutralize and break the bond between charged particulate and the running web up to 2,000 ft per minute. This optimizes the cleaning performance and neutralizes the web surface. The hood is available for 6, 12, 18, 24 and 30 inch web widths.

    The Air Control System (ACS) is an all-in-one clean air blow-off / vacuum and collector support cabinet that drives our cleaning hood. This industrial powerhouse provides optimal filtration and airflow. The ACS’s stainless steel enclosure incorporates enhanced acoustic isolation for blowers and vacuum chambers making the system quieter than a Shop Vac! 

    • Specifications


      Max Web Speed 2,000 ft/min, 610 m/min
      Max Web Width 30", 762 mm
      Min Web Thickness 1 ml
      Duct Connections 3" coaxial vacuum/blow off
      Static Control Active 110/240 VAC, 50/60 Hz
      Mounting four 1/4 -20 thread
      Standard Opening manual with end hinges
      Turbines 6 motors - 80" h20 lift
      Hood Widths 6,12,18,24,30 inches

      Air Control System (ACS)

      Max Amperage 230 V, 3-phase at 20A
      Decibel Rating <70 dB at full operating speed
      Remote Access Remote on/off from PLC
      Blow Off Dedicated Blow off turbine with 2 micron filtration
      Hose Diameter 3" outer, 1.25" inner
      Dimensions 32"L x 22"W x 49"H
      Turbines 6 motors - 80" H20 lift
       Vacuum and Blow Off Force 400 cfm vac; 200 cfm blow-off
    • Video

      Click HERE for video

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